Commercial Interior Design to Wow Your Clients
Designing from a Client’s Perspective
Strong marketing and a good brand will create initial interest in your commercial business. It may open the door to a client wanting to visit your business to see that the business will be able to perform to their expectations. This creates an opportunity to turn initial interest into a commitment to do business. Once a client has seen that the business is successful, it will make them feel they are getting the right advise from the right people.
Visual Delivery on Branding
Branding your business effectively will create expectations in potential clients. The importance of how successful the visual presentation fits the client expectation is a key factor in the start of a successful business relationship and cannot be underestimated. The client’s visual perception of your business and what it represents must align with the expectation created by your marketing and advertising campaign.
Consistency is Key to Success
When a client walks into your business for the first time, they are sensitive to their first impressions, which will form a key aspect of the future business relationship. Consistency between branding, marketing and experiencing the business is key to success. When a client successfully makes a good fit between what he was expecting and what he is really experiencing, the connection for business is firmly put in place.
Providing a Good Fit
Visual presentation must be able to back up and provide a fit with all the elements of marketing and branding around the business entity. The client will be pleased with good first impressions, and this will be important to inspire confidence and trust in the brand.
Visual Impressions that Inspire
New clients may feel a need to be inspired and the importance of the emotive value of that first powerful experience when they walk into your business is very important. New clients could hope to mirror the positive first impression of success and wealth, carefully projected by your business. Your business could become a benchmark for their own hopes and dreams. Established clients would expect to see that the business is worthy of their support and the money they intend to spend with you.
Triggering Emotions to Enable Success
The visual perceptions from a first business encounter can trigger a variety of strong emotional reactions. Clients want to sense a confident measure of professionalism, success and wealth when they walk into your business and sit down to enter a business relationship with you. They want positive reaffirmation of their initial assessment of your business, enabled by good marketing and they want to know they are dealing with a business they can look up to and respect.
Clients are looking for professional branding. They want to see that the business is worthy and can be trusted for the advice they represent and worth the money they are about to spend. Seeding that a business is successful is important. Visual appeal triggers emotions in terms of this all and validates the client’s decision to choose your business to support and pledge their loyalty to.
Helen Brunsdon
Swish Concepts
Call: 0411 440 140