Things to Consider When Building or Renovating

Relieving the Stress Factor Every big step in life is accompanied by stress before you can enjoy results and the accompanying exhilaration. A Designer will relieve some of the stress associated with building the home of your dreams or rebuilding and renovating an existing home. Relieving this enormous pressure that comes with events of this…

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Approaching Residential Designs

Residential interior design appeals to a market comprising of time-poor individuals with families. This market is usually professionals who lead very busy lives with all the commitments of a demanding career and a growing family, who do not have the time needed to attend to the details around a new build or major renovated property.  A…

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Residential Interior Design in Newcastle NSW

It’s not always necessary to start from scratch when renovating your mid-century home. Residential interior design has come a long way from colonial days in Newcastle NSW. We are privileged to have such an eclectic mix of architectural styles in the region – with federation era taking centre stage; bungalows, modernist and mid-century also very…

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